The Clubmaker's Art: Antique Golf Clubs & Their History book download

The Clubmaker's Art: Antique Golf Clubs & Their History Jeff Ellis and Jeffery B. Ellis

Jeff Ellis and Jeffery B. Ellis

Download The Clubmaker's Art: Antique Golf Clubs & Their History

Get this from a library! The clubmaker's art : antique golf clubs and their history. The history of these clubs is detailed in three books that Mr. The work is entitled The Clubmaker ;s Art and is pictured above (available through Amazon). Ellis] on ELLIS ANTIQUE . The Clubmaker's Art The Clubmaker's Art is the most complete, authoritative, and stunningly beautiful book ever produced on antique golf clubs. . Mr Philp must have been as prolific a master of his craft as some of the old masters of the painter ;s art .Best Golf Books and DVDs | Critical Golf Perfect books for any coffee table. Ellis – it contains information of all the golf makers in history of golf and the evolution that took place with its equipment. “You are going to buy some stuff which you are going to look back to and think it really wasn ;t such a good thing,” says Jeffery B. Passionately assembled over 25 years . [Jeffery B Ellis] . #340 of 400 copies. Ellis spent twelve years researching. Finally, he bought . His first book, The Clubmaker ;s art : Antique Golf Clubs and Their History, is the industry ;s bible for antique golf clubs. I particularly like the roller putters featured in the book. In the. some are quite rare. . The clubmaker's art : antique golf clubs and their history (Book